Requirements for affiliated projects
One aim of LOICZ is to provide a framework to encourage the fullest participation of multi-national, regional, and national research activities in its scientific activities that are focussed on achieving the goals, aims and objectives outlined in the LOICZ Science Plan and Implementation Strategy (SPIS). A way we accomplish this is to actively engage with the international research community whose work concerns natural and socio-economic sciences of global environmental change in the coastal zone. The LOICZ project provides a forum to assimilate, integrate and synthesise the outputs of the research community. Furthermore it provides an opportunity to communicate and disseminate these outputs making them available to other scientists, the public, decision-makers and managers.
We therefore encourage you to seek endorsement of your research project/s by LOICZ and become a member of the global community and network of researchers and practitioners that is already part of the LOICZ portfolio. The procedure in place is outlined in the Terms of Reference for LOICZ affiliated activities and requires filling in a form in the Project Database.
Affiliation criteria
Endorsement by LOICZ brings the following ‘added value’ for affiliated projects:
- Details of the project, its Principle Investigator (PI) and the contributing team can be made widely available through the LOICZ website.
- Outputs and outcomes of affiliated activities – journal articles, books and other reports – can be promoted through the LOICZ website and/or newsletter.
- Information about workshops, conferences, other meetings and news associated with affiliated projects can be advertised on the LOICZ website or in the LOICZ newsletter.
- LOICZ affiliated projects play a significant role in contributing to workshops, conferences and meetings organised by LOICZ providing the opportunity to work with other projects operating in similar fields and/or addressing similar issues.
- LOICZ welcomes ideas and suggestions from affiliated activities for workshops, other forms of meetings and other types of support.
- Affiliated projects receive the LOICZ newsletter as one source of information about LOICZ activities and work of other LOICZ researchers.
- LOICZ has access to a wide circle of information related to funding and the science community that is available through its database.
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LOICZ asks affiliated projects to agree to:
- Collaborate with other members of the LOICZ community as appropriate for assisting the LOICZ synthesis in general and for expanding the LOICZ network of scientists and stakeholders.
- Fully acknowledge their affiliation to LOICZ on all outputs, publications, presentations, websites etc.
- Provide the LOICZ IPO with a hard/electronic copy of each report, product and publication resulting from endorsed research (including copies of annual progress reports).
- Represent LOICZ in presentations where affiliation is of relevance and being an ambassador of LOICZ on relevant scales.
- Apply the LOICZ Data Policy.
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Affiliation criteria
Activities that seek affiliation with LOICZ should address at least one of the research themes and/or priority topics.
If addressing a LOICZ research priority topic, activities should provide one or more of the following:
- methodologies or models that allow data assimilation, processing and synthesis, including up and/or down scaling
- scenarios of change and/or response to change in socio-ecological systems
- scientific context for the evaluation of existing policies and structures
- globally applicable tools for scientific synthesis, decision support and structure development
- dissemination interfaces to provide information and assist sustainable coastal development on appropriate scales
Applications for LOICZ affiliated activities will be considered according to the following criteria:
- a focus on the coast
- high scientific quality
- a multidisciplinary perspective
- a global approach, or if the activity operates on a regional level a contribution relevant for a global approach or, if management oriented, on a relevant scale
Additionally, LOICZ affiliated activities are encouraged to foster one or more of the following:
- Collaboration with other Earth Science System Partnership (ESSP) projects, especially with other Core Projects of IHDP and IGBP
- Interdisciplinary projects and teams, taking natural and social science into account where appropriate
- Synthesis and analysis of research outcomes already available
- Dissemination and outreach that will lead to better public knowledge
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Application for endorsement of funded projects involves completing a short form that outlines your research project with your assessment of how your work relates and contributes to one or more of the research themes and/or topic areas along with a copy of the original project proposal. Your project should meet the criteria stated above and this should be clearly visible in your application. We also encourage project coordinators whose activities are still in a proposal stage to seek LOICZ endorsement. If applicable, LOICZ will explore ways to assist activities in the proposal stage.
Submitted activities will be reviewed by the IPO and the coordinator of the Theme/Topic they are contributing to. The LOICZ SSC will be consulted as appropriate. Furthermore, LOICZ will notify its parent programmes IGBP and IHDP during the affiliation process.
For LOICZ affiliated activities, the benefits and obligations outlined above apply. Commitment to these will be confirmed by the coordinator in writing. The obligations function as one way of quality control and hence neglect of obligations to LOICZ may lead to the withdrawal of LOICZ support, loss of the LOICZ affiliation status and the activity’s exclusion from the LOICZ Inventory.
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