The Role of Physical Processes in Mangrove Environments – Manual for the preservation and utilization of mangrove ecosystems - Authors: Yoshihiro Mazda, Eric Wolanski and Peter V. Ridd
This book
1) highlights the importance of physical processes to the researchers and engineers in the developing countries, who are endeavoring to maintain the mangrove environment,
2) makes coastal physical and biological researchers recognize the peculiarity of mangrove physics and the link between physics and biology to maintain environmental health,
3) provides a manual for preserving and utilizing the mangrove environment.
Total pages: 617 pages
Distribution: without charge
The first African Marine Atlas was officially launched on 23 Feb 2007 at the Project Office of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) in Ostend, Belgium. The Atlas was developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) with support from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's (IOC) of UNESCO and the Government of Flanders, Belgium.
The African Marine Atlas can be accessed at http://iodeweb2.vliz.be/omap/OMAP/index.htm and provides substantial maps, images, data and information to coastal resource managers, planners and decision-makers from various administrative institutions and specialized agencies in Africa. The Atlas will be of immense benefit to national institutions and a variety of users such as environmentalists, local administrators, park managers, scientific community, fishing cooperatives, tourists, hotel keepers, teachers, NGOs, the general public, and any other interested persons. It has over 800 downloadable data products derived from the fields of marine geo-sphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geopolitical and the human socio-economic dimensions.
The Atlas has brought great benefits to participating national institutions and Africa as a whole, by encouraging scientists to work together, learn new techniques, and build teams that will continue to regularly update the Atlas with national and local scale data sets.
For more information, please contact: Mika Odido (m.odido@unesco.org, m.odido@odinafrica.nett)
START/PACOM Call for Proposals related to Environmental Change tendered to the African Global Change Research Community
The objectives of the call are:
1) to directly contribute to global change science in Africa;
2) to enhance the understanding of the impacts and consequences of global changes in Africa,
3) to create long-term, collaborative research partnerships between African scientists and those in developed countries, and
4) to foster the integration of African researchers into the international global change research programmes of ESSP, IHDP, IGBP, WCRP, and DIVERSITAS. Priority will be assigned to proposals that focus on the following three themes:
Theme 1: Climate Variability & Climate Change, especially:
Theme 2: Impacts/Adaptations/Vulnerability to Climate Change
Theme 3: Land Use Change/Ecosystems/Biogeochemical Change/Biodiversity
Deadline for proposal submission 28 February 2007 (24:00 US Eastern Time)
For more information, see http://www.start.org/Program/African_sm_grants.html#call_for_prop
Job vacancy at CEREGE
A 16 months post-doctoral position, is open at the CEREGE laboratory in the framework of a national project CHACCRA: Climate and Human induced alterations in carbon cycling at the river-sea connection. This position is dedicated to the study of grain-size variations within the salt-wedge and the river plume of the Rhone river (France) in relation with physicochemical processes of aggregation, deposition and degradation. A specific attention will be paid to time variations during flood as well as to the bed-load transport. The candidate will also develop the determination of cationic exchange capacity of this SPM. An experience on aggregation-disagregation modelling will be a real benefit in order to work with a model developed in our lab.
Start date: September 2007
More information
New forum online
environmentalresearchweb is an online forum, designed to help you to stay on top of developments in environmental science.
The website provides a mixture of daily news and analysis, coupled with opinion articles and research highlights.
The forum is accessible through http://environmentalresearchweb.org
People who register before 19 February have the chance to win a solar-powered backpack.
Consultation on Maritime Policy
A European vision for the oceans and seas: Towards a future maritime policy for the union (Green paper)
On 7 June 2006, the European Commission adopted a Green Paper on a Future Maritime Policy for the European Union. The Green Paper is accompanied by a number of background documents (on issues such as: Managing land/sea interface, on marine related research and the future of European Marine Policy, European Marine Observation and Data Network, climate change) which have been produced by European Commission Working Groups and by the Maritime Policy Task Force which oversaw the drafting of the Green Paper.
This Green Paper will be a success if it forges a consensus among stakeholders – the Member States and citizens – that the EU needs to look at the oceans and seas in an integrated manner, if Europe is to maintain its resource base and to continue being competitive in maritime affairs. This is your chance to voice your opinion on the Green Paper and make your ideas known.
Joint IMBER/LOICZ Continental Margins Open Science Conference – Impacts of global, local and human forcings on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems.
Shanghai, 17-21 September 2007
High resolution download of first announcement
more information and registration details are available at the conference’s website: https://www.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=792
Latest newsletter LOICZ INPRINT 2006/3
Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences
Global Change in the Marine Realm
Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments this Graduate School aims at educating young scientists in the field of marine sciences. Within a global-change framework these encompass the natural sciences as well as the humanities. Besides becoming experts in their special field the PhD students will get a solid background across many disciplines of marine sciences.
Structured into four Research Areas, (a) Oceans and Climate, (b) Coastal Zone Processes, (c) Marine Ecology and Biogeochemistry, (d) Challenges to Society the Graduate School covers a variety of disciplines. It offers a well-structured curriculum with a broad research training programme and the possibility to compete for internal funds.
The Graduate School offers 4 Associate Scientist Positions (one per Research Area) and 3 PhD positions.
More information. Further details and application forms are also available at www.rcom.marum.de/glomar.html.