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LOICZ MiniSymposium is funded by the German House of Science and Innovation (DWIH-SP) within the initiative “Germany+Brazil 2013-2014” Read more:
E. Wolanski (2013) LOICZ SSC member. Read more:
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Risk and Management of Current and Future Storm Surges
GEO-5 for Business ‘Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Corporate Sector’. Read more:
Future Earth, the ambitious new research initiative on global sustainability, has just launched an online magazine, designed to provide insight into the latest research in this area.
The International Council for Science (ICSU), on behalf of the Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability, has announced that Professor Frans Berkhout will be the Interim Director of Future Earth.
Future Earth inaugural Science Committee announced, CSIRO’s Mark Stafford Smith to be first chair. Read more:
Water in the Anthropocene is a 3-minute film charting the global impact of humans on the water cycle. Follow the link and view the film on vimeo!
"Uncertainties in the context of Earth system governance, its goals, effects and costs!" Session at the Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Earth System Scientists, 22-25 September 2013, Hamburg, Germany
Global versus regional – Variations of climate change induced sea-level rise and their challenges for small islands Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan, on October 1-5, 2013
ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change 13 – 17 October 2013, Shanghai, China
Please Note: The session of Dennis Peter Swaney (former LOICZ SSC member) SCI-005, Nutrient fluxes and nutrient accounting in coastal catchments and water bodies: methods and applications.
Biogeochemical budget methodology and applications. Outcomes from a Providence, Rhode Island Workshop, November 9-10, 2007 Dennis P. Swaney and Gianmarco Giordani
Announcements, Conferences, Publications, Recommended Literature, Job opportunities
has been published. Read more:
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