Goric 7

LOICZ is a global project and recognizes that global problems need solutions on multiple scales. The "act local, think global" concept is central to the LOICZ capacity-building philosophy.

LOICZ contributes to an International programme for capacity building and training for postgraduate water and coastal management.

As a science-based project LOICZ aims to inform the decision making towards sustainable management of coastal socio-ecological systems. The capacity building and training actrivities target coastal and river basins managers who usually bridge between academic knowledge and policy.

In the age of the "Anthropocene”, it is hoped that the next generation of managers have a thorough appreciation of the holistic water continuum scale.

LOICZ, working through the Erasmus Mundus project provides opportunities and studentships for young scientists from all over the world to study in the program. The LOICZ IPO has hosted Interns who worked on nutrient budgets and on typology methods. Various SSC members have hosted young researchers in LOICZ projects. Furthermore, the LOICZ science community and in particular past and present members of the LOICZ SSC provide research opportunities and a growing number of developed capacity building modules (tools, models, methodologies).

This is actively supported by the program on Communicating Science. (e.g. R&S Report 31)

A growing number of LOICZ experts have been scholars within the Erasmus Mundus project, and even more members of the SSC will participate in the next year.


IHDP announces new venue and date


7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Open Meeting), "Social Challenges of Global Change", originally scheduled for 15-19 October 2008, will take place from April 26-30 2009 in Bonn, Germany

LOICZ supports Kids University (Kinder Uni) in Backnang, Germany

Science and management of estuaries and coasts. An event note of our corresponding Member Gerardo M. E. Perillo

Ecsa 44

The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and the Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO) announce the ECSA 44 Symposium: Science and management of estuaries and coasts: