LOICZ Working Groups and Collaboration

The implementation of LOICZ is facilitated by the development of working groups and international partnerships addressing implementation plans for specific research topics. Some working groups cut across the themes and issues of the Science Plan, while others are closely aligned with individual themes.

Joint IMBER/LOICZ Continental Margins Task Team (CMTT)



Who is involved?




SCOR/LOICZ WG 132 on Land-based Nutrient Pollution and the Relationship to Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Marine Systems


Planet Under Pressure (PuP)

Planet under Pressure

LOICZ Session at PuP: Risk and opportunity in urban coasts

Mark Pelling, King's College London, UK; Jim Hall, Oxford University, UK

LOICZ Session at PuP: State of the Coastal Zone

Joan Nymand Larsen, Stefansson Arctic Institute and University of Akureyri,, Iceland; Alice Newton, NILU-CEE, Norway

UGEC seeks Urbanization experts for Scientific Steering Committee

Deadline: IMBER ClimECO3 Summer School

The deadline to apply is 1 March 2012

LOICZ Session at PuP: Toward a sustainability-science knowledge-network on marine-ecosystems

With LOICZ contribution by Marion Glaser, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany

LOICZ Session at European Geosciences Union (EGU)

General Assembly 2012 Vienna | Austria | 22 – 27 April 2012 BG3.2 Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves Read more:

LOICZ Imagefilm online!

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