Day 1
Monday 27 June 2005
08:30 09:00
Welcome and opening address Liana Talaue-McManus, LOICZ SSC Chair
09:00 09:45
Plenary 1: Human Dimensions and Global Environmental Change
Speaker: Barbara Goebel, Germany & Bill Young, Sweden
09:45 10:30
Plenary 2: Coastal ecology in a changing world: can we provide the answers we promised?
Speaker: Peter Herman, the Netherlands
10:30 11:00
Morning coffee
11:00 12.40
Parallel Sessions
T1.1: Climate change and the coastal zone
T1.2: Land ocean interaction on vulnerable coastal ecosystems (lagoons)
T1.3: Sediments flux to the coastal zone: climate change, anthropogenic influences and future trends
T1.4: Biogeochemical budgets
T1.5: Human coastal communities
Cross-cutting 1: Science, society and management of coastal zones
12:40 14:00
14:00 17.30
W1:1 Risk and vulnerability of coastal systems due to climate change
W2:1 Integrated coastal zone management and LOICZ Current status
W3.1: Coastal biogeochemical and ecological models
15:30 16:00
Afternoon tea
16:00 16:45
Parallel Workshops: Outcomes short report for presentation to Plenary.
16:45 17:30
Plenary Session: Workshop reports and discussion.
17:30 19:30
Poster sessions and Ice breaker
Day 2
Tuesday 28 June 2005
09:00 09:45
Plenary 3: Managing Canadas Oceans and Coasts: A Framework and an Emerging Plan
Speaker: Peter Harrison, Canada
09:45 10.30
Plenary 4: Interaction between Eutrophication and Suspended Matter Dynamics of a Shallow Coastal Sea
Speaker: Justus van Beusekom, Germany
10:30 11:00
Morning coffee
11:00 12.40
Parallel Sessions
T1.2: Geohazards, ground water and risk
T2.2: Ecosystems, land and sea use (deltas)
T3.2: Coastal waters ecohydrology: from the mountains to the coast
T4.2: Application of remote sensing for coastal area management
T5.2: Integrated assessment of coastal change and management: socio-economic modeling and future scenarios
Cross-cutting 2: Highlights of Dutch Coastal Zone research
12:40 14:00
14:00 17:30 Workshops
W1.2: Issues in scale of bridging the natural and social sciences
W2.2: Conceptual synthesis of global coastal environments
W3.2: Integrating socio-economic variables in mapping and modeling material deliveries from catchment to coast
W4.2: Marine Protected Areas a management tool for ICZM?
15:30 16:00
Afternoon tea
16:00 16:45
Parallel Workshops: Outcomes short report for presentation to Plenary.
16:45 17:30
Plenary Session: Workshop reports and discussion.
Conference dinner
Day 3
Wednesday 29 June 2005.
09:00 09:45
Plenary 5: Making the connection between healthy waterways and healthy catchments
Speaker: Stuart Bunn, Australia
09:45 10.30
Plenary 6: Ecosystem-Based Knowledge for Coastal Governance.
Speaker: Stephen Olsen, USA
10:30 11:00
Morning coffee
11:00 12.40
Parallel Sessions
T1.3: Coastal assessments
T2.3: Urbanisation
T3.3: Nutrient flux to the coastal zone: trends and implications
T4.3: Shelf processes and the Earth system (joint session with IMBER/SOLAS)
T5.3: Coastal ecosystem governance
Cross-cutting 3: Coastal typologies and datasets
12:40 14:00
14:00 17:30
W1.3: Coastal assessments
W2.3: Gauging progress in coastal governance
W3.3: Implementation, Integration, and Participation: Strategies for LOICZ II
15:30 16:00
Afternoon tea
16:00 16:45
Parallel Workshops: Outcomes short report for presentation to Plenary.
16:45 17:30
Plenary Session: Workshop reports and discussion. Close of meeting.