LOICZ- Biogeochemical Modeling Node

This node provides a platform for collecting and sharing biogeochemical budgets of coastal ecosystems around the world, and for disseminating the LOICZ budgeting methodology. It can be found online at:

LOICZ- Biogeochemical Modeling Node

The Biogeochemical Modeling Node Website includes:
* Clickable maps of budgets worldwide,
* Tabulation of budgets worldwide
* Table of Contents (methods and existing budgets)
* Definitions of Key Terms in the LOICZ Budgeting Calculations
* (CABARET: Computer Assisted Budget Analysis for Research, Education, and Training)
* Downloadable units conversion software, and workshop report guidelines.
* Summary presentations (PowerPoint) of the LOICZ budgeting procedure
* Dataset from the Smith et al. (2003) Bioscience article

Under LOICZ I, the goal was to compile regional carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus data and budget models for numerous coastal areas of the world that can be used to produce global syntheses models of their flux in the coastal zone.

LOICZ II continues to support the approach, to refine the methodology, and to begin to apply it to other coastal management questions. The node is currently housed at the Baltic Nest Institute (http://nest.su.se/), a program of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (http://www.stockholmresilience.org/).

The two current contacts for the Biogeochemical Modeling Node are:

IHDP announces new venue and date


7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Open Meeting), "Social Challenges of Global Change", originally scheduled for 15-19 October 2008, will take place from April 26-30 2009 in Bonn, Germany

LOICZ supports Kids University (Kinder Uni) in Backnang, Germany

Science and management of estuaries and coasts. An event note of our corresponding Member Gerardo M. E. Perillo

Ecsa 44

The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and the Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO) announce the ECSA 44 Symposium: Science and management of estuaries and coasts: